Read More 2025

I’m not reading enough books. I know what my goodreads account says, but I am having a hard time cracking open the plethora of physical books in my home. It feels odd to write this on a blog that centers my journey with writing, but follow me on this thought train. I love bookstores. My hustle and and I have our favorites, and plenty a day trip is punctuated by picking up a new book. I have stacks on stacks of “to read books”. A stack on my bedside table, a stack on my office floor, I have a purse book, and a carry on book. The most damning of all? We have over 500 books on various shelves of our home, the vast majority of which are fiction.

In 2025, one of my goals is to get back to the practice of things I enjoy. I want to take in more writing that pushes me, more music that moves me, and more creativity in general.

So I’m starting a book club. Well not a real “book club” but every month I’m setting a goal to read a book on my shelves that I haven’t read before, and then I’ll write about it. I hope y’all will join me.


January 2025